Jawoyn Explorer

May 17 - June 6, 2009

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Helping hand
  • Arnhem Land. This will be only our second trip into Arnhem Land.
  • Aboriginal Guides. The group will be accompanied by one or more local Aboriginal guides.
  • Aboriginal art. You see a variety of rock paintings in a variety of styles, explained by one of the descendents of those who put them there.
  • Exclusive access. This area is out of bounds to the general public. You are unlikely to see anyone but the members of your group anywhere along the route.
Arnhem art
  • The Barunga Festival adds a perfect finish. Want more info?
    This link takes you to page describing the festival.
  • Gorges, waterfalls and wonderful campsites where you can relax and enjoy the tropical bush around you. Some days you don't even have to carry your pack.
Daywalk to unnamed waterfall Relaxing at camp
Helicopter arriving with the food drop
  • Helicopter help.

    A helicopter food drop cuts the amount of food you need to carry in half.

    The helicopter allows you to do either half of the trip on its own.

    You get a scenic flight through the little known upper gorge on the Katherine River. In some ways this is even more spectacular than the one the tourists visit far downstream.

Terrain and difficulty. Although most of the terrain is not particularly difficult, there are a number of creek crossings and some fairly rough terrain. People who have never done any off-track walking are likely to find it more difficult than those who have had such experience. Crossing above Birdie Creek Falls
Want more information?

Click here to see a PDF file of the detailed trip notes.

Click here to go to gallery of photos from our first Jawoyn Explorer walk.

Click here to see an illustrated trip report written by one of our clients on the 2004 trip.

Click here to send us an email asking for more information or to find out how to book this trip.

If you know someone you think would enjoy this trip, please click the link below to send them a link to this page.

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