March 29 - April 11, 2009

Mitchell Falls This is a true expedition.
There are parts of the walk we have never done before. We have never done any of it at this time of year.
The photo at the left shows Mitchell Falls in May. It will look much more spectacular on this trip.

  • This trip requires above average fitness plus the ability to swim at least 200 metres unaided.
  • We use helicopters and light aircraft to bring us in at the start, out at the end and to bring in a food drop in the middle.

This trip takes you into the wilderness along the Mitchell River and the lesser known Donkins Creek. During the walk, you will see everything from open woodland and broad river valleys to deep gorges and spectacular waterfalls, all flowing much better than they do later in the year when the 4WD tracks are open.

The region contains some of the largest pockets of monsoonal vine forest in the Kimberley and is home to more mammal species than have been collected from any similar-sized area in Western Australia. Those who take the time to look carefully almost always see some of the rarer species.

As on most of our trips, there is always time to cool off with a swim.

Looking for Aboriginal art sites is an important part of this trip. We will visit the best sites we found on previous trips and search for others. Although it is not yet possible to date most of the paintings, existing research suggests that the styles we see will range from early twentieth century back more than 10 000 years. If you are not particularly interested in the art, you might still enjoy poking around the various rock formations or perhaps you would prefer to relax near a pool and watch the birds or have a swim while others go exploring. The choice is yours.
Whether or not you are interested n the art, the many rock shelters offer us a chance to dry off if we get a long spell of rain.

Bradshaw style Aboriginal painting
Terrain and difficulty. Although most of the walking is relatively flat, the trip does include substantial amounts of rock hopping. Some sections will be quite rugged and others will require pushing through fairly thick scrub. People without off-track bushwalking experience are likely to find it more difficult than those who have had such experience.

The weather will be hot and may be quite humid. This will make the trip more difficult than the same walk would be later in the year. We will have to float our packs across flooded creeks. We might even have to wait for floods to subside before some crossings become safe.

If you are physically and mentally fit enough your rewards will be waterfalls, wildflowers, Aboriginal art sites and an incredible wet season Kimberley wilderness experience no other operator can offer you.

Click here to see a PDF file of the detailed trip notes.

This is a serious expedition. Please do not consider booking this trip until you have read the trip notes.

For more information about this trip or to find out how to book, please click the link below and send us an email.

Mitchell Plateau No. 1 Information