What's New?

This page lists the most recent changes to the website. Items listed in blue link to the new or changed pages.

Free CD! The large number of photos on our website make some pages slow to download. We have, therefore put the website plus several additional photo galleries onto a CD, free for the asking.
Click here to send us an email to get one free. Please make sure you fill in your postal address. 680MB is far too large to email.

Update Date

New or changed item

28 October 2009
Latest Newsletter
Our Newsletter 44 is now on the website
It includes information and discounts not available elsewhere.
New Specials
The Availability and Specials page has been updated with some new offers.
25 September 2009
New Trip
Our Kakadu Special: 16-21 November
This is a special trip put on at the request of two people. The more who book, the less it costs. See the trip notes (link above) for details
New Featured Trips
The Featured Trips page has been completely revised.
The Kakadu & Nitmiluk Photographers Special: 27 Dec - 9 Jan has new dates and now has two guides no matter how small the group.
The Bungle Bungles in the Wet: 14-27 February offers a unique chance to see the Bungles when the creeks and waterfalls are actually flowing.
7 June 2009
Latest Newsletter
Our Newsletter 42 is now on the website
It includes information and discounts not available elsewhere.
New Featured Trips
See Our Featured Trips page for details.
Marsupial Lion Found in the Kimberley
Here's the full story.
26 August 2009
Latest Newsletter
Our Newsletter 43 is now on the website
It includes information and discounts not available elsewhere.
7 June 2009
Latest Newsletter
Our Newsletter 42 is now on the website
It includes information and discounts not available elsewhere.
New Featured Trips
See Our Featured Trips page for details.
Marsupial Lion Found in the Kimberley
Here's the full story.
2 May 2009
New Flight Information
Our Getting Here page has been completely revised.
There is now some competition on the Darwin to Kununurra run.
7 April 2009
Latest Newsletter
Our Newsletter 41 is now on the website
It includes information and discounts not available elsewhere.
New Featured Trips
See Our Featured Trips page for details.
15 February 2009
Latest Newsletter
Our Newsletter 40 is now on the website
It includes information and discounts not available elsewhere
New photo gallery
In addition to the trips where we are accompanied by Aboriginal guides, we now include a short cultural walk with Violet Lawson, one of the senior traditional owners, on most of our trips which spend a night at Cooinda. To date, everyone who has done Violet's tour with us has thought it was well worth while. If you'd like to get an idea of what it's like, please have a look at our new Violet Lawson's Wurrgeng Cultural Walk photo gallery
New Special Offers
Our Tour Availability and Specials page has been updated with a number of new special offers.
9 February 2009
New trip
Drysdale River National Park: 29 May - 11 June
This trip replaces the two Drysdale trips which had been in the program.
The more who book, the less it costs each person.
This is the first time we've been able to have a food drop so you need carry only a week's food at a time.
We locked in an old price on the helicopter. This trip will never be this cheap again.
Special conditions apply. Click the link above for details.
17 January 2009
Printable Trip List
Our 2009-10 trip list is now on the website in an easily printable form.
New Featured Trip
Carr Boyd Explorer: 17-30 May
This trip takes you into a little known and spectacular wilderness, the edge of which is almost within walking distance of Kununurra.
Want to see what it's like? Have a look at our Carr Boyd Photo Gallery.
24 December 2008
Latest Newsletter
Our Newsletter 39 is now on the website
It includes discounts not available elsewhere plus a special book offer.
Something Very Special
For the first time since 1991, one or two people may get a chance to do a part of the wet season Kakadu Super Circle trip rather than having to do the full three weeks. Click this link to find out more.
13 December 2008
New Photo Gallery
Finke River National Park
The new gallery shows you some of what this little known park has to offer.
New Trip
Finke River National Park:19-28 July 2009
After our 2008 trip, we thought Finke River was so good that it deserved a trip on its own.
Availability Update There is now only one trip available beginning in January and one in February. Details on our Tour Availability and Specials page.
9 December 2008
New Prices
Most of the prices in our Kakadu and the Top End trip list have been updated for 2009.
Anyone booking and paying a deposit before the updated prices go onto our website will lock in the old prices.
5 December 2008
New Photo Gallery
Our Unknown Gorges Photo Gallery
We visit these gorges on sections two and three of our Green Kimberley Light trip.
11 November 2008
Latest Newsletter
Our Newsletter 38 is now on the website
It includes discounts not available elsewhere plus a special book offer.
New trip report
Karijini 2008. One of our clients, Paul McCann, wrote an article which appeared in the November 2008 issue of Into the Blue, the quarterly magazine of the Coast and Mountain Walkers of NSW. Paul and the club have kindly given us permission to reprint the report here. It's a 6MB illustrated PDF.
23 July 2008
New photo gallery
The Build Up is a very underrated time of year. We now have a small gallery of photos from our 2007 houseboat cruise on the Mary River on the website. This shows you just how laid back our Build Up trips can be.
8 May 2008
New Photo Gallery
Graveside Family Walk, September 2006.
This photo gallery is beneficial both to those interested in the Graveside area and to families considering coming on one of our family trips.
13 March 2008
New featured trip and photo gallery
Durack River Photo Gallery
Durack Explorer trip page
Durack Explorer trip notes
Featured trips page
21 September 2007
Walk for a week while carrying less than 8 kg!
Don't believe it's possible? Read this new article on ultralight bushwalking and see how it's done. The many web links make it easy for you to find or make the gear you need to join the ultralight movement.
15 September 2007
New client trip report
The wet season is coming.
One of the people who took part in our Kakadu Light trip in February wrote it up and published it in the Coast and Mountain Walkers club magazine. I've scanned it and added it to the website so you can get an impartial view.
21 October 2006
Birdwatching and Bushwalking
Our new Birdwatching and Bushwalking page gives information about birdwatching on our trips and links to birdlists from a number of our trips.
24 February 2006
Where to Stay
Our new accommodation page gives you information about where you can stay before and after one of our trips.
6 December 2005
Trips with Aboriginal Guides
This is a new page describing the seven different trips we are offering with Aboriginal guides in 2006.
In addition to information about our own trips, this page links to a number of other sites which give good information about Aboriginal culture and art.
Our new Aboriginal art special is the first time we have been able to offer a trip specialising in Aboriginal art. If you have a particular interest in rock art, you owe it to yourself to have a look.
Coming from outside Australia?
Our Getting Here page has been updated with new information about international flights and discounts for international visitors.
24 November 2005
Willis's Walkabouts in the International Press
Our Green Kimberley Light was featured in an article in the November issue of the American magazine Outside.
26 September 2005
Clickable Kakadu Map
The map on our Kakadu page has now been modified so that clicking on any of the words takes you to the page describing that area.
Several new photo galleries have been added.
15 August 2005
New pages
Trip notes
This page gives easy links to the printable PDF trip notes describing every trip we offer.
This page gives links to printable versions of our Bushwalking Guide, light pack information sheets and registration form.
1 May 2005
New Map Products
Australia on CD and two excellent books. We can provide every product available from Geoscience Australia, not just the maps covering our walks.
18 April 2005
New How to Find It Page
The new Site Navigation PDF page is an easily printable document that helps you find what you want in the mass of information on this website.
This should be especially useful for people who have done little overnight bushwalking.
We welcome comments on how useful you find this.
15 April 2005
New Map Index
The new Map Index page links to all the maps on the website.
Now you can find all of our maps without having to scan the entire site.

Click here to go to our archive page to see earlier but still relevant changes made to the website since March 2002.