Willis's Walkabouts Newsletter 39, December 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. The rains have begun and life in Darwin has become a lot more pleasant than it was a month ago.

I had hoped to get our annual mailout done before Christmas. I couldn't finish it in time so this newsletter will have to do.

In This Issue...
Last Chance?

In the last newsletter, I mentioned two trips would have to be cancelled unless we got more bookings within the week. Both trips will now run, perhaps for the last time.

Both trips visit Jim Jim and Twin Falls while the roads are closed. That is a huge positive for anyone doing the walks. Carrying three weeks food is out of the question so we need to put a food drop at the halfway point before the roads close. Putting in that food drop is, to say the least, not pleasant.

The drop has to go in at the hottest, most humid and uncomfortable time of year. Imagine putting two 20 litre metal drums full of food into your pack, climbing up a hill, stashing the drums in a cave, and returning to the vehicle. By now, every square centimetre of your clothing is soaked in sweat. Now imagine doing it again ... and again ... and again. Depending on the size of the groups, if one person had to do it all, it could take 7 or 8 trips. Thankfully, I had help this year, but with no other guide likely to be based in Darwin next November, I might not be able to do a food drop even if we have bookings. But that's next year, anyone doing either of the trips in 2009 is a winner.

The food drops contain a limited amount of extra breakfast and lunch food. The first few who book get their choice. And, maybe, just maybe, for the first time since 1991, one or two people will get a chance to do a part of the wet season trip rather than having to do the full three weeks. Contact me as soon as possible to find out more if you think you might be interested.

Now here's some information about the trips.

Kimberley Coast

The Kimberley Coast Explorer:15 March - 25 April is the longest single expedition that we offer in Australia. You see an incredible variety of scenery and a wealth of Aboriginal art sites. The fishing is great in several places along the way. It's in four sections, any of which can be done on its own.

Why so early? If we went any later, we couldn't be sure all of the waterfalls would be flowing , let alone flowing well. We couldn't be sure that we'd find good drinking water on a couple of the connecting bits. If you want the best that this area has to offer, you have to go when it offers it.

This trip is a definite departure. Seven people have already booked the full trip. That's the most we've had in ten years or more. The necessary transport is getting harder and harder to organise. We may or may not be able to offer it again.

Special offer. Anyone booking before the end of the month will get the a 15% advance purchase discount, last year's price and, if they read this newsletter closely, one or even two extra discounts.

Want more info? Have a look at

Our Questionnaire & Your $50

Have you claimed your prize?

In November 2007, we offered some major prizes for filling in a questionnaire. Those prizes have been won. We also offered a $50 voucher to anyone who filled it in. If you filled it in, all you have to do to claim your $50 voucher is let us know when you book any trip before the end of 2009.

If you didn't fill it in and would like the $50 voucher, you can still do so by clicking the link below. If you know anyone else who might be interested, please pass this link along.

Click Here to take our survey.

Wildflowers of Kakadu

The best portable guide to wildflowers in Kakadu remains Kym Brennan's Wildflowers of Kakadu published in 1986. It's long out of print. When I advertised a few copies in the last newsletter, I sold out within hours. I was, however, able to contact the author who sold me a few more so I've now got them back in stock.

The book is soft cover, full colour, 13 cm tall x 23 cm wide, 127 pages, weight 325 grams. I've known the author for years. I've got a few copies which I can sell for $20 including postage to anywhere in Australia. (Add $5 for airmail to New Zealand and the Asia/Pacific zone, $10 for the rest of the world.)

For the right person, it would make a great Christmas gift. If you get in fast, it should still get to you in time for Christmas.

The Green Centre and Something New

One of the worst, if not the worst drought since the 1960s in central Australia came to a dramatic end in November. In November, the region received its best rain in years. In some areas, it was the wettest November on record. More rain this month means that 2009 will have better conditions for walking than 2007 or 2008. If there are follow up rains in early 2009, it will be the best year since the 1990s.

Back in August, I led a trip to Finke Gorge National Park. It had been 11 years since I'd last been there, far too long. Even several years of drought, we found water. The more I thought about it, the more I thought that the park deserved a trip on its own. Eventually I came up with a new trip, the easiest and least expensive trip we offer in the centre.

To find out more, you need to look at

2009 -- The Program

The Red Centre Trip List and 2009 prices are as close to final as is possible.

The Kakadu and Top End Trip List has almost been finalised. Most of the prices have been updated but you can still get in on the old prices on the Jawoyn and Leichhardt trips. There may be other changes but there will be no changes to any trip which has bookings unless those who have booked are happy with those changes.

The Kimberley and Pilbara Trip List is a work in progress. I haven't been able to get all the transport quotes so I haven't been able to update most of the prices. If you book before the new prices go onto the website, you lock in the old price where we provide the transport or where the new price is less than $200 more than the new one. If transport costs force us to raise the price more than that, you'll still get a discount of at least $200 or a full refund, your choice.

The overseas trips are described further down this page.

2009 -- Some Specifics

January to March

Only two trips have bookings. Both are definite departures. Kakadu Super Circle No. 1 and the Kimberley Coast Explorer, both mentioned above.

Only two other trips departing before 5 April are still available: Baroalba - Hill 420 Circle: 8-21 March and Mitchell Plateau No. 1: 29 March - 11 April


The Pilbara trip to Karijini National Park is full. (The June trip to Karijini remains available.)

All other trips are still available. Two deserve a special mention. Both have bookings. Neither is yet a definite departure.

May Onwards

Every trip is still available. See our Tour Availability and Specials page for details of which are already definite departures and which have bookings as well as any special offers which might be available.

Overseas Trips

South America

We're offering two trips and considering a third.

  • 6-8 weeks in Southern Chile and Argentina: November-January
    This will be much like our previous trips and will include some long pack carrying walks.
  • Carretera Austral: 4-5 weeks in Southern Chile: December-January
    On this trip we'll hire a vehicle (or two) and explore what is probably the least known area in the entire country. It's something I've long wanted to do. The trip will include some overnight walks but they won't be particularly long.
  • The Jungle and the Pantanal
    I've been to the Peruvian Amazon and to Iguazu Falls on the border between Chile and Argentina several times. I'd like to go back. I've long wanted to visit the Pantanal in Brazil. The only time I can go is either during their wet season or immediately before or afterwards. (September-April). If you think you might be interested, please let me know and I'll put together a draft set of trip notes.

Southen Africa

We're offering three trips.

  • 6-8 weeks in South Africa: September - November
    This will be much like our other trips to South Africa.
  • Namibia
    The trip notes haven't yet been written as I'm still working on the details. It will be 4-6 weeks, either August-September 2009 or March-April 2010.
  • Mozambique and Madagascar
    We've never been there but South Africa is next door. Bit by bit we've been picking up information. Now, in response to several requests, we are planning to offer a trip. It will be 4-6 weeks sometime between August 2009 and April 2010. Watch for details in a later newsletter or on our What's New page.
Mitchell Plateau Still Under Threat

The saga continues.

Last January in Newsletter 33 I outlined some of the problems facing the area and the Aboriginal people who live there. (Click the newsletter link if you'd like to see what I had to say then.)

In September, the Mitchell Plateau Kandiwal Community (the people who actually live there) sent an open letter to Environment Minister Peter Garrett. (Click the link to read the letter.)

Things went from bad to worse. Late last month, they issued an appeal asking for people to email the relevant ministers. (The email addresses are all in the linked document so it's easy to do.) If something isn't done, a small, eco-friendly community could disappear and the top few metres of much of the plateau could be scraped off leaving a few small preserved bits along the river. Anything you can do to help will be much appreciated.

Computer Software Hassles

Some of those reading this newsletter are far more knowledgeable about computers than I am. If you are one of those people and if you would be happy to provide me some advice about one or more of the following.

  • Outlook Express and alternative email programs.
    I've always used Outlook Express but my email files are now so large I can't work out how to make it do what I want it to do.
  • Backing up.
    I have used several different back up programs, none of which would do what I wanted it to do.
  • Slowing down.
    I've got an eight year old computer. I don't want to replace it if I don't have to, but it's going slower and slower, even on the old programs.
  • Groups website.
    I've been working on a website for a group I belong to. I've tried Microsoft's new Multiple, Google and Yahoo and can't work out how to put an easily edited table into any of them. (The old MSN groups allowed it.)

Any suggestions or advice on any of the above will be most gratefully received.

Special discounts -- combine them and save even more.

Book now and save! As in the past, if you are one of the first three people who quote this newsletter when booking any Australian trip within two weeks of when we sent it out, you will get an extra 10% discount on any trip where your total discounts are 10% or less. You'll get an extra 5% off if your total discounts are 15% or more.

Note 1. There has to be a limit. The maximum total discount on any trip is 35%.
Note 2. It's amazing how few people take advantage of this offer.

News About This Newsletter

Once again, I've put in a lot of time updating the email newsletter list. I do my best, but I make mistakes. If I've made a mistake with your listing, please accept my apologies, let me know and I'll fix it for next time.

This newsletter is sent from rrwillis@russellwillis.com. If you would like to continue to receive these newsletters, please include this address in your "friends list" so that it isn't blocked.

We don't want to add to the mass of email spam. If you don't want our newsletter, please send us an email and let us know. We'll then delete your name from our newsletter list.

Our email address is walkabout@ais.net.au.

Note. The program we use to send this newsletter has an automatic delete at the bottom. Clicking that link will delete you from the mailing list on the server but it will not delete you from our main database. If you want to be removed from all further mailings, please send an email to walkabout@ais.net.au.

If you know someone you think would enjoy this newsletter, please forward it to them.

Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year
Russell Willis